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Diamond Testers and Tweezers

The SSEF Diamond-Type Spotter

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Today, certain types of diamonds can be transformed from very tinted, off-color diamonds into colorless and fancy-color stones through new techniques involving the use of high pressure/high temperature annealing (referred to as the HPHT process or HPHT technique). HPHT techniques can also improve the color of natural-color fancy blue and fancy pink diamonds by removing detrimental brownish undertones and thus, intensifying the color. Fortunately, only certain rare diamond "types" can be used to produce colorless, near-colorless, pink and blue diamonds by the HPHT process. And the SSEF Diamond-Type Spotter indicates whether or not a diamond is one of these rare types.

In addition HPHT-treated diamonds, today we also find near-colorless synthetic diamonds being produced by single-crystal CVD (chemical vapor deposition). These synthetic diamonds are also one of the rare types that can be identified with the SSEF Diamond-Type Spotter.

With the SSEF Diamond Type-Spotter, anyone can determine whether or not a diamond is one of the rare types that could be treated to produce colorless, near-colorless, pink and blue diamonds, and whether or not is could be synthetic. An essential tool for screening, The SSEF Diamond Type Spotter greatly reduces your dependence on gem testing laboratories and the need to get updated reports on every diamond with an older report. When examining a diamond that is colorless, pink or blue, if you determine it is not one of these rare types, then you know you don’t have to worry about it being HPHT-treated or being a CVD synthetic. If it is one of the rare types, you know you must perform other tests, and, depending upon those results, the services of a major gem testing laboratory may be required. The SSEF Spotter is also useful when dealing with natural tinted diamonds in determining whether or not the color could be improved by HPHT techniques. And last, but not least, the Spotter used in conjunction with the SSEF Diamond Tester for Blue and Potentially Blue Diamonds can indicate whether or not a tinted diamond could be transformed into a blue diamond.


The Diamond-Type Spotter is $150.00
Requires only a standard shortwave ultraviolet lamp available from GemStone Press.
  • Quickly and easily separate diamond types that can produce colorless, near-colorless, pink and blue diamonds from other types
  • Reduce risk of inadvertently buying and selling diamonds artificially whitened by HPHT-techniques

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For Blue and Potentially Blue Diamonds

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With this instrument you are testing electrical-conductivity. By holding the diamond between two metal probes, you can determine whether or not it is electrically conductive. Type IIa diamonds are not electrically conductive. Type IIb diamonds are electrically conductive. Some brownish type IIb diamonds have an inherent blue body color that cannot be seen because the blue is being masked by the brownish tint. In these stones, HPHT techniques can remove the brownish tint so that the blue is revealed. Also, in fancy blue diamonds which have an unattractive brownish undertone, HPHT techniques can create a purer, more vivid blue.

The SSEF Diamond Tester For Blue and Potentially Blue Diamonds will separate boron-blue diamonds from the hydrogen-type blue diamond because the hydrogen type (type Ia) is not electrically conductive while the boron type (type IIb) does conduct electrical current. If a blue diamond is not electrically conductive, then you know it is a hydrogen type, and more importantly, can be sure the color is not the result of HPHT treatment. If it does conduct electrical current, then you know it is type IIb (boron type); if it is a type IIb, then you cannot know whether or not the color is natural and you must submit the stone to a major gem testing laboratory with the capability of detecting HPHT treatment.

The SSEF Diamond Tester For Blue and Potentially Blue Diamonds enables you to know if the stone is type IIb.

The SSEF Blue Diamond Tester is $695

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Darkfield Loupe

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(Maglite not included)

A simple tool ALL RETAILERS should have ready at the counter. With the Darkfield Loupe, even a new salesperson can quickly and easily spot most fracture-filled diamonds—and even show the customer the filler (very difficult to do with a microscope)!

Darkfield illumination is ideal for easier examination and more accurate identification of inclusions in diamonds and colored gemstones—quickly reveals telltale "needles" in synthetic moissanite and provides better definition of inclusions seen in colored gems.

The Darkfield Diamond View is $58.95
Requires only a standard Maglite available for $15.00. (2AA batteries included.)
  • Anyone can spot most filled diamonds with this easy-to-use instrument.
  • The Darkfield Diamond View features a high intensity miniature Darkfield and a distortion-free 18mm 10X-triplet magnification.
  • Its compact size makes it easy to always carry with you when buying gems.
  • An essential tool for anyone buying diamonds.

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Diamondnite Dual Tester

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The first and only one-step dual tester.  With only one touch, DiamondNite instantly separates genuine diamond
from all known imitations, including synthetic moissanite.  Unlike other electronic diamond testers that only do thermal conductivity testing--which synthetic moissanite fools into giving a genuine diamond indication--DiamondNite uses an instantaneous dual testing sequence: it first conducts "thermal" testing to eliminate all known diamond imitations except synthetic moissanite (glass, CZ, synthetic spinel, synthetic sapphire, GGG, YAG, synthetic rutile, stromtium titanate, colorless quartz), immediately followed by "electrical conductivity" testing that distinguished natural diamond from synthetic moissanite.  Initial warm-up time is eight seconds; recovery time between tests is an astonishing one second.

  • Completely portable, uses one nine-volt battery (included)--no awkward cord or adapter needed.

  • Three minute shut-off alert to save battery.

  • Simple on-off switch, no tricky adjustments.

  • Gray shock resistant housing with easy-to-read features.

  • Comes with complete instructions.

The DiamondNite Dual Tester is $269.00

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Non-locking Tweezers

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Locking Tweezers

Diamond Tweezers--Non-Locking ($7.80)
Diamond Tweezers--Locking ($10.65)

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