About the Author

Antoinette L. Matlins, P.G., is an internationally respected gem and jewelry
expert,author, and lecturer. Her books are widely used throughout the world by
consumers and professionals in the gem and jewelry field alike. Ms. Matlins' books include
Jewelry & Gems: The Buying Guide (over 300,000 copies
now in print--the only book of its kind ever offered by Consumer Reports), The Pearl Book: The Definitive Buying Guide, Gem
Identification Made Easy; Engagement & Wedding Rings:
The Definitive Buying Guide for People in Love; Colored
Gemstones: The Antoinette Matlins Buying Guide; Diamonds: The
Antoinette Matlins Buying Guide, and Jewelry & Gems at
Auction: The Definitive Guide to Buying & Selling at the Auction House & on
Internet Auction Sites
Editor of National Jeweler magazine for almost a decade, her articles and comments
on buying and selling gems, jewelry, and gem investment have appeared in many national and
international consumer and trade publications. She is also the author of the
"Gemstones" chapter in the Encyclopedia of Investments, 2nd Edition (Warren,
Gorham & Lamont). Trained by her father and co-author; Antonio Bonanno, she has gained
wide recognition as a dedicated consumer advocate. Ms. Matlins has spearheaded the
Accredited Gemologists Association's nationwide campaign against gemstone investment
telemarketing scams.
A popular media guest, she has been seen on ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, educating consumers
about gems and jewelry and exposing fraud. In addition to her educational role, Ms.
Matlins is active in the gem trade. She advises individuals and companies around the world
on buying gems and jewelry and conducts gem acquisition searches for fine, rare, or
unusual pieces for her clients.